Adam and I just got back from our Florida vacation late Sunday night. I haven't sat down to blog yet because I have been in a bit of a post-vacation depression. It is always hard to come back from a week of relaxing and hanging out with people you love. What made it even harder was when we got home, Vermont was darker, colder, and rainier than I have ever seen it (in my whole two months here). And to top it all off, Adam had to leave for a 30 hour shift within seven hours of us getting home. Nothing like being alone on a rainy day to drive home the fact that vacation is officially over! I tried to call my handful of friends to at least eat a meal with someone, but no one was around. So I made my grocery list and left the house, partly because our kitchen was barren and partly to have some human interaction with the town folk.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Adam and I just got back from our Florida vacation late Sunday night. I haven't sat down to blog yet because I have been in a bit of a post-vacation depression. It is always hard to come back from a week of relaxing and hanging out with people you love. What made it even harder was when we got home, Vermont was darker, colder, and rainier than I have ever seen it (in my whole two months here). And to top it all off, Adam had to leave for a 30 hour shift within seven hours of us getting home. Nothing like being alone on a rainy day to drive home the fact that vacation is officially over! I tried to call my handful of friends to at least eat a meal with someone, but no one was around. So I made my grocery list and left the house, partly because our kitchen was barren and partly to have some human interaction with the town folk.
Monday, August 16, 2010
New York to Boston
It is crazy what kind of places turn into weekend trips when you move to a completely new part of the country. Now instead of Orlando or ATL being a quick trip to the big city, we have places like NYC and Boston at our fingertips. In July, we used much of our free time to explore our stomping ground, back when Adam only had one day off a week; but since he started his community health block which has no night or weekend requirements, we decided to hit the open road and visit some of our friends in Yankee country.
We hit up Chinatown, which Adam and Mike were all about, and dined on some dumplings. They were amazingly cheap and pretty tasty, but they brought some of my heartburn back and for that I rebuke them. After that we trekked across the Brooklyn Bridge on foot. Then we crashed a house warming party of one of Mike’s friends. On Sunday, we saw the Chelsea market and walked on the Highline. This is Martha’s side of town and I fully intend to be a guest on her show next time I’m in that area of NYC. I’m hoping she has a baby shower show before December (fingers crossed).
Last weekend we headed to Boston (and sadly forgot my camera), which feels a little like home now: one, because we have been there so much in the last year and two, because the Nalls are there and they feel like family to us. They took us out to a fancy French-Cambodian restaurant on Friday night. I didn’t even know how much I loved French-Cambodian food until then (because I didn’t know what it was). That night was also very special because Michelle got to be the first person – besides me or Adam – to feel little Hamlet move. We did a lot of walking around this city as well, but I love it, especially after living in such a small town. I got my J.P. Licks fix, which is amazing local ice cream in Boston. I know it isn’t a strange craving, but that is the indulgence that holds power over me. Saturday night we had a picnic in the park and watched a free showing of Othello with the guy from “The Wire” playing the lead role. It was really fun and romantic, although as much as I tried, I couldn’t get Adam to make out with me while we were sharing a blanket with three other people. We also hit up a lot of local markets, where I wish I had money to spend. One felt like we were at Etsy – if it were a real place. Of course, the weekend went by two fast, but we do have plans to return.
And on top of all of this, Adam and I just officially started our vacation in Florida! Life is good. We just met our niece Zoe for the first time! She is wonderful! And I am really stressing that I could never make a baby as beautiful as that little half Japenese cutie patootie. If my baby isn’t cute, I would like for all of you to know you are obligated to lie to me (or at least avoid the subject).
Monday, August 2, 2010
Movie Moverton

Isn’t my baby cute! Adam and I had an ultrasound done last Thursday and we got to see our little Hamlet. I am in love. We have decided not to find out if our babe is a girl hammer or a boy hammer. But from all the standard ultrasound measurements, we do know that lil ham appears healthy and still right on schedule for a December 8th birthday. We shall see – no one ever delivers on their due date, right? If they are anything like Adam and I, they will probably be late (and frustrated with themselves for not planning better). Or maybe they will have an early personality and we will drive them crazy the rest of their lives with our tardiness – that, more thank likely, will be the case.
So even though we didn’t find out the sex I think the newest hammer is a boy. I could be wrong, but there are two reasons I think this: 1) Our baby is a Movie Moverton! Ever since that first nudge, I have been feeling crazy amounts of movement, like someone is doing gymnastics or P90x in my womb. It just seems like more of boy thing to do. Little Ham moved so much during the ultrasound that tech was worried she wouldn’t get all of her measurements, but Adam and I loved it. It was so neat to have a visual of all the craziness we keep feeling. When she tried to measure that hugely smart brain, our little babe promptly did head stand and tried to hide their brain in my cervix. Crazy prankster. 2) The second reason I think it’s a boy is because our baby lounges exactly like Adam . You can usually find Adam with one or both arms above his head when he sleeping. And as you can see, when the image first came up on the screen, little ham was lounging with their arm above their head. Even when we had an ultrasound in done in FL at 12 weeks, when Hamlet had squatty, little limbs that weren’t proportional with their body. One of their little hands was as high up as it could go resting on their forehead. So cute! I can’t sleep or even lounge like this for any length of time or I wake up with the feeling that I have a dead man’s arm attached to my body. Not very pleasant. So I think it might be a little Adam.
Even before all this evidence, I just keep getting that “little boy” feeling. Most of my friends and family keep getting the opposite vibe, especially Kat (she is sure it is a girl cousin). My mom did tell me that her motherly instinct led her astray with me – she thought I was a boy the whole time. So who knows? Maybe it is sweet little girl who has an energy level on par with that of all the Cassidy children and who has better blood flow to her arms than her mother, which allows her to lounge like her dad.
Since I have reached the halfway mark, the whole labor part of pregnancy has seem much more real and scary to me. I know it is still four months away, but I feel like I should be starting a training program or something now. I have already had two labor dreams. In the first one labor was so scary. But in the second, I was shocked, but labor wasn’t bad at all….and then I delivered a little black girl. Unfortunately, I do not think either parts of that dream will be true. Well, I do have more to blab about but I’m almost in Boston so I going to run so I can have some fun with the BosNalls!