Friday, January 14, 2011

Life is a Pajama Party

I can't believe I have been a mom for eleven weeks. I no longer feel like I am just wading through the chaos leaving a path of destruction in my wake. Needless to say, since I have been in survival mode, blogging has been pretty low on the priority list - but I miss it and I have been wanting to share what life is like with Liam (in hopes that you will see how cute and wonderful he is and you will book a flight to Vermont immediately to come visit).

I have found breastfeeding/lack of sleep brain is a thousand times worse than pregnancy brain so I will ease into this - short and sweet. I think I am just at a point now where I can construct appropriate sentences. Since Thanksgiving, life has been a pajama party. We have been doing a lot of hanging out at home, napping, cuddling, and staring. This kind of life style does weird things to time, so I feel like I have been in a time warp for the last three months.

Here you can see Adam is cuddling, while enjoying an adult beverage, and reviewing our hospital take home material.

The staring part of the day

The glorious nap. Liam can out nap Adam -hard to believe.

Ahh and the crying- luckily this is not what Liam spends most of his time doing. I still think he is cute when he cries - sometimes it makes me want to pull my hair out, but he is still cute. And here are a few of the firsts I have tried to keep up with documenting...

Liam's first Christmas tree! And it was Adam's first time cutting one down.

Thanksgiving 2010 - our first holiday together. You will notice this is one of the few pictures I am in because, of course, as soon as I bring my son home from the hospital, I get the most heinous fever blister of my life on my face (not so fun for pictures). It looked like I had a beak. So I did a lot of the picture taking, but we had to get one family photo of our first holiday together.

First bath at home. He loved it in the hospital but hated it at home. We don't have the same touch the nurse did. It could also be that we are too cheap to properly heat our house and the poor boy was freezing (the bath was also luke warm because we were afraid to scald our baby, but if he has my genes that is probably how he likes his baths).

Still pissed!

Addiction. We waited until he was three weeks old to give him his first pacifier and as soon as we did, Liam used what poor motor control he had to try and hold the thing in. He is a very oral boy. I think that thing is the love of his life.

First bottle. Kat was at mine or Adam's side for everything involving Liam the whole time she was here. She's a great cousin!

Several important introductions have been made over the last 11 weeks, but here are just a few.

Liam and his pup

Liam and his cuz cuz

This is Liam and his future BFF and neighbor Matty, who is 9 days younger than him. Soon they will climbing trees and getting in snowball fights together, but for now they do a lot of parallel sleeping.

Other than that I have learned that motherhood is tough but I love it. I cry at the drop of hat, especially with any song that deals with growing up - I can't listen to the Circle Game or Puff the Magic Dragon. I have come to terms with the fact that I am lame:). Stories about people being mean to children and the thought about going back to work also make me tear up. I talk about poop and sleep a lot. I think I am still capable of talking about other things, but I am not sure. I have learned that fragmented sleep makes you feel like you are drunk a lot of the time. Who needs wine when you get that loopy feeling just by getting up several times a night? Getting out of the house is an event in and of itself - especially when you add snow in the mix! I have made a lot of new mom friends thanks the DHMC Women's Health Resource Center. They have all kinds of classes and a "4th trimester"/new mom hang out - which is my favorite part of my week - other than when my hubby is home and not sleeping. Since the beginning of December Adam's intern year has felt as bad as the reputation. Of course, before Li Li was born, his schedule was working out in our favor, but since then it has been really brutal. I am really thankful we have had so many visitors to keep me company. We had family here for the first six weeks of Liam's life! Sarah came to my aid mid January, just when I was tuckered out from doing the whole mom thing on my own for two weeks. And of course the BosNalls check in on us frequently. And I should probably get to bed soon because I am driving to Boston tomorrow to pick up Caroline. I am so thankful that even though we are 1,300 miles away, so many people we love have made the trip to come see us. I can't help but be greedy and hope for more though. Adam and I have been missing Florida hard - and not just the weather....we miss our friends and family!

Now that I am emerging from my postpartum coma, I plan on blogging much more frequently. Thanks for not giving up on me! Maybe I will put some video on of Liam smiling soon. It is so cute. It will make your heart melt. Much love to all of you from winter wonderland.