This will be short and sweet, because I am a mom and I am tired. I have been dying to blog, but I have been so far behind in life, I had to bump it to the back burner for a little while (which turned out to be a few months). So my mother's day present to myself is this sweet time right here.
Today I awoke to breakfast in bed. I got to cuddle with my baby and my hubby. Praise the Lord Adam is finally on a better than normal schedule. I love research block! We went to church, took some family photos, hung out with our neighbors, and just spent the whole day together. It was a perfect first mother's day.
Tonight's entry will pretty much have to serve as a teaser (I just accidentally wrote can see what I have on my brain:). Liam and I have been to Florida twice in the last two months (I have many pictures to post) and will be headed there again on Friday, May 13th, which also happens to be mine and my honey's 5 year wedding anniversary. Adam's two week vacation starts then. Woo woo! I have seen Liam roll over 3 times. Adam 0 (meaning Adam has not witnessed the amazing event, but has in fact mastered the skill himself).
As Mammaw put it Liam is a " butter ball," weighing in around the 17 lb mark, with several "crinkles in his legs." He is drooling a lot and everything that he gets in those tiny little hands goes right in that tiny little mouth. I expect a tooth soon. He has been sitting, standing with mom's assistance, and (my favorite) sleeping through the night for about a week now. It has been a long time coming, but I am so glad it is here. The first few nights when I woke up around the six o'clock hour, realizing my sleep was undisturbed, I ran down the hall (oh yeah he is in his own room - another big accomplishment) to make sure he hadn't been kidnapped and that he was still breathing.
Liam is so sweet. He is a cuddle bug. He is very laid back. And he loves words that start with "B," for some reason they always make him giggle. The boy also loves books. He can be cranky and losing it and you can just hold up one of his books and he is craning his neck to see it. So smart:) He started loving toys in the last couple of weeks and is getting very playful. At nap time and bed time, he loves to cuddle with this stuffed polar bear he has in his crib. It is so sweet. He snuggles it up to his face and makes soft little baby coos.
Liam is so social now. He loves being around other babies and kids. Luckily, I have met a ton of cool moms up here.
Oh and a not so precious moment...Liam and I fell down the stairs together. He laughed, then I cried. It was a total supermom moment. I held Liam in his car seat above my head the whole way down and broke a wooden step in half with my bottom, which was black and blue for several days after the incident. But we are both fine.
I am getting sleepy and I still have to pump so I might need to call it an evening. But I fully intend to show my blog some more TLC. Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I am so happy to be in the club.