Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Today at 9am I dropped Liam off for his first day of school! We loaded up the monkey back pack, donned the rain jacket, and slipped on the only shoes that still fit, his flippy floppies (because of course, this was the first morning that all of his sneakers hurt his feet and finally wouldn't jam onto those chubby toddler toes -way to go mom!  I am adding that to the to do list). 

All geared up and running as usual, we braved the storm, crossed the state line, and got my man to Toddler Time!

Some of you may think I am kicking my little man out of the nest a bit early, but it is for his own personal development.  I want to foster in him a sense of independence.  I want him to be exposed to new environments and situations that help him develop creatively, cognitively, and socially....

And yes, selfishly, I want some non-toddler time to do things I just can't do with my sweet little monkey around.  Plus, I figure I will need a little bit of time for Magic and me in just a few short months!

Liam was very excited about school, mainly because mommy was excited about it and has been hyping it up!  But it did not disappoint!

He immediately ran in to the texture table (which was basically a sandbox with a bunch of dump trucks and fun hidden treasures) where a group of boys were congregating.  Two of those boys were named Liam...in a class of eleven!  The teachers asked if they could call him William, but I said no.  It is Liam or Wild Bill, those are your options.  So I think they stuck with Liam.

When he realized mommy was saying 'good bye' he made his grumpy, pig face which I, regrettably, did not capture with my camera because it is super cute.  Liam held it together though, no real tears like a few of the other kids who got taken into the 'cry room' as their parents left.  It made me have a flash back to nursing school.  We too had a 'cry room' outside of our clinical competency area for those who did not pass.  I guess that is what Toddler Time, nursing school, and churches have in common.

I didn't cry either.  I went to a coffee shop checked several backed up e-mails and wrote about my boy.  Don't worry, I have much loftier goals for my future five hours a week of free time.  I just had to start slow.

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